Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's almost FALL! Are you ready?

Fall is probably my favorite season of the year to coach new clients! Why? Simply because people seem really ready to change from the inside out. Summer brings the pressure and excitement of "bikini season" and the (sometimes dreaded) opportunity to bear our midriffs and expose the results of our diet and exercise habits. If you've invested the time and really want to show off all of your hard work it's summer is ideal! Then again, a few vacations, cookouts and cocktails later you might be singing a different tune; "Hi-ho-hi-derio, where did my six-pack go???"

For most people Fall brings with it a set of weekly routines. The kids are back in school, we stay around the home more and settle into a place where new habits can be created without as much interruption. I encourage you to take advantage of this blessing!!! There is never a "perfect" time to implement change, why not NOW? You will look back in
a few months and be very glad you did!

Following a consistent exercise routine and a balanced, varied diet are the two best things you can do to improve and maintain your health. If you're trying to lose weight or cut your risk of disease, these two habits in combination are far more effective than any crash diet or nutritional supplement. And, it is NEVER too late to take care of yourself!

If you are ready for true physique and lifestyle transformation, give us a call. We will help you a create a plan that works around your busy schedule and a nutrition plan that truly appeals to your taste buds. You can learn to master your metabolism, attain a leaner, stronger physique and feel energized again!

The only thing we cannot provide is the WILL to change. We expect you to have the determination to implement recommendations and the patience to develop new habits as your body evolves. Clients who have most dramatic, measured results while working with us have specific goals, keep a food journal, do additional homework exercises on their own and appreciate encouraging accountability.

It won't take you long to realize that you are capable of far more than you think you are! You aren't "stuck" and you don't have to settle for being anything
less than the best you can be!

"The spirit to win and the will to excel is always measured one stroke at a time!"

We are on YOUR side and WE BELIEVE YOU CAN!

God bless you!

Angela Sweet
Owner, The Fitness Studio Downtown
Your Fitness Coaches! Ready to serve!
Liz, Sam, Angela, Eva, Lila, Erin, Sandra (not pictured) and Mary (not pictured)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Client of The Year 2010

John McCauley
The Fitness Studio
"2010 Client of the Year"
John working out with TFS Coach Bridget Anthony, Owner of The Fitness Studio in Southern Pines, NC
j and b

John with his beautiful wife Kelley
John and kelley

John broke several personal strength records

He reduced his body-fat by 5.3% (15lbs of FAT) with NO decrease in lean muscle tissue

"John impresses me on a consistent basis with his diligence and tenacity to bring all areas of his life to a level of excellence. I am blown away by his desire to learn and grow beyond his current state. Physically speaking, he's an ANIMAL!"

-Bridget Anthony, Fitness Coach

"I respect John for setting an extraordinary example for highly successful business men. He has proven that focusing a reasonable amount of time on progressive exercise and clean eating creates a great return on investment in the form of higher self-esteem, increased energy, improved endurance, amazing strength gains and reduced dependence upon medication. After all, what good is wealth and success if you aren't in good health to fully enjoy it!" -Angela Sweet, Owner

John has always been very trusting and open to the process of improving his overall health. He came to understand early on that once you were good to your insides the outside would follow, and the rest is history! He is an example of true grit, has always been a joy to work with and I am confident that his transformation will be maintained for a lifetime!

-Lori Robins, Fitness Coach

Success 10 2010 WE BELIEVE YOU CAN!

Your fitness journey is unique. There are a lot of variables we look at when designing a custom nutrition and workout plan at The Fitness Studio. These details include, but are not limited to: your medical history, basic blood sugar analysis results, dieting history, joint health, exercise "personality, " recovery heart rate, muscular strength, endurance, body composition and most important- your specific goal.

Some people simply want to fit into a smaller size, some have very specific transformation goals and others have a family history of heart disease and are working to ensure that they stay healthy. This is YOUR story, we are here to help you walk through a chapter of challenge and change in a fun way that we pray will help you experience a healthier, fulfilled life!

So, what do you want? What is your goal? If you could create the body you want without any possibility of failing, what would it look like? When your limitations or past experiences attempt to influence your thoughts give your ABILITIES a voice and see what you are capable of! The power of momentum and small daily changes will surprise you! We believe you CAN!

Call us! We are not into high pressure sales or long term contracts of any kind. We know that people change when THEY are ready to! If that is you, we are here to help! We can be reached at: 910.964.0665 or feel free to visit our website for more information: www.thefitnessstudionc.com

Thursday, April 2, 2009

How to move forward for the right reasons.

Most people think that the beginning of the year is my busiest time. I often imagined that, come January 1st I would be flooded with phone calls from "The New Years Resolutioners." I have found this not to be the case.

It's peculiar actually- there are two busy times of the year for Personal Fitness Coaches-two times during the year when people get serious about making healthy lifestyle changes. First, when the school season starts. Understandably so, many people finally feel comfortable buckling down once they are back into a normal routine and kids are off to school. The second busiest season is springtime. When the suns starts to shine and summer is knocking on the door I am flooded with phone calls. It's as though the thought of wearing a bathing suits sends people into a state of panic. The all too often squishy and neglected body hidden under trendy long sleeve winter clothing has to come out for beach season. Now, that's a motivator for many people!

How did you do this year? Did you get in the shape you wanted before slipping into your bathing suit? If not, why? Were your goals realistic or did you set them haphazardly after looking at a photo of Matthew McCaunohay or Victoria Beckham while standing in the checkout line at Harris Teeter?

Your goals have to excite you. They have to be realistic, unique and personal to you. Truth is, there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to having your "ideal" body. If you don't believe me, ask God. You are unique. Your goals should be custom built around your life and your values. Working out and eating right, although it takes discipline, should not be a second job. You can eat healthy and still enjoy GREAT tasting food. You can work out and still be a GREAT husband/wife/father/mother/business owner/employee.

What is the hurdle you need to overcome? This can be a touchy subject. As a Coach, sometimes I have to ask a lot of questions to really get to the bottom of this one. Is it your schedule? Is it fear of the unknown? Is it too humbling to face how far you have let yourself go? Is it that you refuse to start taking care of yourself until everything in your life is in order?

Whatever the case may be, it's time to be honest with yourself. If something popped in your head, write it down. Obstacles ALWAYS remain obstacles if you ignore them.

Then, find what motivates you. Maybe you saw a picture of yourself and didn't recognize who it was. When people come to me it isn't about seeing their abs and flexing in front of a crowd. They come ready to do whatever it takes because they are sick of feeling bad.

Here are some of the most realistic reasons for change that I have heard over the past nine years from people who went on to see their confidence and health dramatically changed on a positive way.

"I want to stop looking forward to food all the time and start feeling good about my body again."

"I haven't played my favorite sport for two years and am beginning to wonder if I ever will."

"I can run forever, but I can't lift a box without struggling."

"I can't tie my shoe because my belly is in the way."

"I don't eat and for some reason I am gaining weight."

"I have let myself go and now my kids are adopting the same habits."

"I keep buying bigger clothes as the years go by and it just needs to stop."

"I need an accountability partner. I need someone that will be honest with me and tell me when I am doing a good job."

Let's face it. We live in America where vast majority of the population is either overweight or obese. There is nothing wrong with having or being motivated by six pack abs, but let's get down to the bottom of what has held you back, set specific goals and celebrate change one step at a time.

When is the last time you felt truly energized? When is the last time you exercised regularly and ate wholesome food on a consistent basis long enough to see and feel results? When is the last time you made a commitment to better your health and honored your promise? If you work out regularly now, have you really determined what motivates you and set realistic and attainable goals? If you don't work out now and fear the thought of changing, consider this-it hurts more to HANG ON and feel bad than it does to MOVE ON and become a healthier, happier person.